Top Dividend Stocks 2020
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating."
— Old Proverb
Different analysts, gurus, and data screens all came up with their own ideas about the top dividend stocks of 2020, but as the old proverb would apply to the stock market: the proof is in the performance!
So how about we look through the components of the S&P 500 index (all of those component companies certainly are considered "top" businesses in the country), and then we screen those constituents for a minimum dividend yield of 2% (at that yield nobody would argue it is anything other than a dividend stock), and finally, let's see the actual performance!
We took the list of companies that passed this criteria and proceeded to calculate the 2020 total returns (with dividends reinvested), for each top dividend stock, to find out which companies came out on top. Continue below to see the top dividend stocks 2020 results: