Welcome to TopDividends.com, our collection of resources for investors researching top dividend stocks, from Dividend Channel. Ultimately we find that any trader or investor looking for top dividend stock information is effectively seeking the same thing: ideas for further research. And our aim with this site is to present you with loads of top dividend stock ideas, starting with a daily-changing Top Dividend Stock of the Day feature here on the home page. Today's stock is TROW, and below our main menu you'll find a description of what this company does, key stats and dividend history, and more. Check back tomorrow for another Top Dividend Stock of the Day selection!

With our main menu of various top dividend stock screens, we present a number of different ways to answer the question: "What are the top dividend stocks?" From answers like top YTD results, or performance over other periods based on total return, to the top dividend stocks picked by analysts or owned by gurus such as Warren Buffett, to high yielding dividend stocks, you'll find loads of ideas here about top dividends out there in the market that merit further research.

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T Rowe Price Group Inc.

T. Rowe Price Group is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. provides global investment management services. Co. provides U.S. mutual funds, subadvised funds, separately managed accounts, collective investment trusts, and other T. Rowe Price products. The other T. Rowe Price products include: open-ended investment products provided to investors outside the U.S. and products provided through variable annuity life insurance plans in the U.S. Co. also provides certain investment advisory clients with related administrative services, including distribution, mutual fund transfer agent, accounting, and shareholder services; trust services; and non-discretionary advisory services.

T Rowe Price Group Inc.
Stock buyback: 
TROW buyback
Investment Brokerages
Name:  T Rowe Price Group Inc.
Stock buyback:  TROW buyback
Website:  www.troweprice.com
Sector:  Investment Brokerages

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(Projection based upon history)
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Sell (1.27 out of 4)
0th percentile
(ranked lower than approx. 100% of all stocks covered)

Analysts' Target Price:
TROW Stock Predictions

Based on data provided by Zacks Investment Research via Quandl.com

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Thanks for visiting TopDividends.com. Our aim is to bring you research resources to utilize in your hunt for top dividends out there in the stock market. One of the key tools we hope you'll take full advantage of via the Top Dividends menu at the top right of the page, is the stock predictions feature. Wall Street analysts are out there as we speak ranking, studying, debating, and coming up with predictions about the top dividend stocks on the market today.

And we've collected together all of the diverse individual stock predictions for each top dividend stock contender, and looked at the stock price predicted for one year from now (i.e. each analyst's "forward price target"). Since such predictions may vary considerably, we've found it useful to consider the median stock predictions, i.e. the price target which represents the number where half of the analysts made higher predictions while the other half made lower predictions. We feel that this approach is an interesting way to harness the "wisdom of the crowd" (in this case the crowd of stock market analysts), in researching top dividend stocks.

Thanks again, and be sure to come back tomorrow to TopDividends.com for our next daily top dividend stock of the day!

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